
Wednesday, November 18, 2020


 This is my Manaikalani poster for Smart Print and Online media

Monday, November 2, 2020

Surf to Turf

On Wednesday the 28 of October my syndicate did Surf to Turf. Surf to Turf is where the senior syndicate runs from the waimakariri river to Belfast school which is 5.1 km long! Once we had ran the 5.1 km we did the plank challenge,crawling under chicken wire,sit ups and rolling tires. After we had done all those challenges and the run we got got ice blocks! We also had to pull a fire truck up the drive way at first it wasn't that heavy but then we got tired and it got harder and harder and harder to pull. Once we had done all that stuff we got to have sausages and they were really good! Surf to Turf was really fun and I think we should do it every year.

Monday, August 3, 2020

2020 Blog Profile

Expecto Patronum

Expecto Patronum

One normal and rainy day at my school I attend for witchcraft and wizardry me and my friend where walking down the hallway to get to our class. When we got to our class there was a strange feeling that something was about to happen. We walked further into our class and looked up down and to both the sides but it was all normal and nothing looked strange or unfamiliar. We sat down at some tables and where listening to our teacher when he said we where going to be learning how to make a special potion but just after another teacher pulled me and my friend out of the class and into a mysterious and foggy room. He told us he was going to be teaching us how to cast a Patronus. A patronus is a spirit animal that can protect and guard you.We tried and tried and tried to cast the spell but we just couldn't. Finally in a weeks time we managed to get the spell right and when I cast mine my patronus was wolf and my friends was an owl. As soon as we walked out of school these strange black cloaked creatures where floating around our school. The teachers grabbed us and pulled us back because the creature was called a Dementor. Dementors feed on happiness and joyful memories until one has no more happiness. We pulled free from the teachers grips and slid under the door before it shut. As soon as we got outside we cast our spells and it drove all of the Dementors out of site. Apart from one..................
Image result for pobble 365 expecto patronum

Wednesday, July 1, 2020



Reflections are strong things! They can show you anything you can show the mirror.

One stormy dark and sad day a young girl named Bella around 7 years old was walking down the street she lived on.She was happily walking and then she saw a figure in the distance he had fully black clothes on and gloves and hood and bag.He was walking closer and closer to the girl.The girl turned and ran! She was screaming and fleeing from the man who was now infront of her; she was scared and confused.The man grabbed her and dragged her down a driveway into a house.She was bleeding and bruised.The stranger locked her in a room.She looked around the dark room and saw a huge mirror she walked over to the mirror and looked into it.She saw herself but it was doing thing like killing people and burning stuff.She tried to run away but she wasn't moving and the room got smaller and smaller until the evil version of her dragged her into the mirror.She kept falling and falling till eventually she hit the end of the mirrors strange abyss.She thought to herself who was that mysterious man?Did he know this would happen to me?


Tuesday, June 23, 2020


Kia,Ora today rooms 23 and 22 went to belfeast which is when two classes go over to the bcn (Belfast community network) and eat food people cook for us.We had really really really good burgers and chips
but it was super fun! Here are some pictures.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Japanese cheesecake

  1. Line the inside of your cake pan with parchment paper. To properly line your cake pan, cut a circle that will fit the bottom of the pan and a long strip that covers the rest of the inside of the pan. Spray the inside of your cake pan with a cooking oil spray before lining with the parchment paper pieces so that the parchment paper stays in place.

  2. Separate your eggs. Keep the egg whites in the fridge until ready to use. Make sure your egg whites do not touch any oil, water or other ingredients or they will not whip to a meringue state if contaminated.

  3. Melt chocolate either over the stove or the microwave. For the stove you can use a double boiler, or melt the chocolate in a large glass bowl sitting on top of a simmering small pot of water. For the microwave method, microwave at 20 second intervals, stirring in between, until chocolate is completely melted and smooth.

  4. Add in the cream cheese and whisk until smooth. If your cream cheese is still too hard, soften slightly in microwave. Make sure your batter is completely smooth before adding in the egg yolks. Add in the egg yolks and whisk until smooth.

  5. Beat your egg whites on high speed with an electric mixer until glossy, stiff peaks form. Make sure they are stiff peaks and not just soft peaks (The tips of the peaks should stand straight up rather than fold over. Check out this reference guide). This is key to keeping your cake from collapsing.

  6. Add one third of the egg whites to your yellow batter. Gently fold in the egg whites with a spatula until just incorporated and there are no large lumps or large white streaks. Fold in another one-third. Fold in the final one-third.

  7. Pour batter into prepared cake pan.

  8. Add 1 1/2 cups of water to your Instant Pot. Place the trivet that came with the pot inside. Place your cake pan directly on top of the trivet, so that it should not touch the water.

  9. Seal your Instant Pot. Set to manual, high pressure, for 17 minutes. Allow the cake to naturally release as it will continue to cook and set during the natural release.

  10. Once the natural release is finished, carefully remove cake from pan. For best tasting results, refrigerate for several hours as it will allow the cheese flavor to more fully develop. However, the cake can be eaten right away but it will have a more eggy souffle-like taste. This is normal for Japanese-style cheesecakes. You cake will also shrink as it cools, but it should not collapse. Dust with powdered sugar before serving.